I have been wanting to create my own blog since a few months,but was just going on procrastinating.
Maybe it was because i wanted perfection, or maybe i wanted my blog to be successful as soon as i started it. I dont know why, but it just seems like i was fearing that i might fail. Or that my articles wont be good enough. I am just waiting for perfection to happen through me. waiting till I write a perfect article. Although i am unable to define ,what actually is a perfect article.
Well, anyway. I recently bought the sedona method course which really helped me to get over my fear of failure or wanting perfection. Although i am still working on it,but my life has definitely changed for the better. I have got over wanting approval of my blog.
I have released on the idea of wanting a very good and successful blog, perfect articles so that everyone who reads it likes it.
Just released and decided to just start writing my posts without any "wanting approval".
Well, that's all for now. I will post more on the sedona method later.