The Sedona method helps you to let go of your emotions and feelings. When you let go of identifying yourself with the feelings and emotions which pass your mind you will be able to experience joy and happiness. This joy and happiness is your true and natural state for which you don’t have to put effort.
Now the problems which most of us are facing are that we are unable to feel our feelings. We are unable to feel them as they are. How many times have you caught yourself saying “how do I notice my feelings” or “I am unable to feel anything”? This is because as soon as a feeling comes, we try to label it as anger, anxiety, happy, etc. But we don’t know that as soon as we label a feeling, we neglect it and put it back into the store house of our mind without even bothering to look what are the contents of the package that we have just labeled.
We say to ourselves that “I am just feeling a bit angry” or “I am just a little anxious and I will get over it soon”. This means that we are very familiar with the feeling anger or anxiety that we don’t want to look at it or experience it again. We think that we actually know how it feels like. Or maybe it is just that we are afraid to experience it or feel it. Our instincts tell us not to mess with anger. Don’t try to look into what it is or we will feel really bad. And we don’t want to feel bad. We don’t want to experience the bitter feelings again. We want to get rid of these feelings. Therefore we just recognize the label and push it deep inside the storehouse of our minds. The storehouse which is already full of these feelings or these packages labeled anger or sadness or joy. The packages whose contents we do not know and are afraid to open.
What is happening here is that we are labeling the feeling. We are not feeling it. How does anger actually feel like? How does anxiety or joy actually feel like? Please let them come. Please feel them and let these feelings be as they are. Don’t try to label them. Experience the pure feelings, the physical part of the feeling, the mental part.
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